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Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy, 2nd Edition

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We can't just design content for one channel, device or medium anymore; we need to design responsive structured content to reach customers anytime, anywhere, and on any device. And we can't do that until we can define how each element associated with a content object should be effectively written to respond to different customer needs and context of the content as well as changes in display and different capabilities of devices. This book presents a unified content strategy model.

A unified content strategy:

  • Identifies customer requirements
  • Defines structured content models for responsive content
  • Determines how content will be reused and repurposed across media and devices and how it will adapt to changing customer needs
  • Identifies the tags (metadata) for retrieval and dynamic delivery
  • Determines how content should be managed throughout the entire content lifecycle
  • Defines the governance policies to manage the content from creation to retirement

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