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Apple - iPhone 5c 32GB Cell Phone - Green

Price in points: 699 points
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4.1 109 product reviews

185 items sold
14 years and 11 months sells on RetailFactory Marketplace
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A6 chip. 8MP iSight camera. 4-inch Retina display. Ultrafast LTE wireless. iPhone 5c has the things that made iPhone 5 an amazing phone — and more, including iOS 7. All in a completely new design that feels great in your hand.

Bought it for my mother, she’s not used to phones with a touch screen so that’s her first experience. She’s very happy that we can make video calls through facetime and be in touch with each other every day. She listens to her fav music every day while reading books, she also has a small flower garden and likes to send everyone photos of her flowers, good that photos she takes are crisp, sharp, and vibrant.
I think I wrote too many words already so let me cut it short: it’s a great starter phone for children or elders.
Got it as a second phone, thank heavens that it has the same specs as iPhone 5 but in a cheaper plastic case. It also has all functions of the latter, no cut corners or anything. Good thing that Apple knows its job.
My first phone ever! My dad bought it for me for my tenth birthday, I love it!
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