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HTC Wildfire S - White (T-Mobile)


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Price in points: 340 points
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The HTC Wildfire S for T-Mobile is a 3G capable smartphone that adds style to a practical device. This sleek device runs on the Android™ 2.3 platform, so you can have the latest Android™ technology and access to thousands of apps. It also features a 3.2 inch capacitive touchscreen, a 5 megapixel camera for capturing important moments and Wi-Fi calling/hotspot capabilities! Weighing only 3.7 ounces, the Wildfire S is extremely portable. If you are looking for a stylish and fun smartphone that is easy to use, the HTC Wildfire S could be the phone for you!


Operating System:
Android 2.3, Gingerbread
Storage Capacity:

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