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Droid 3


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Price in points: 525 points
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You're going places, and DROID 3 by Motorola can take you there. With incredible dual-core speed and brilliant qHD display. You're making a big Android smartphone statement. DROID 3 offers more power and greater responsiveness, and the efficient handling of a five-row keyboard. The thinnest full QWERTY smartphone. Ever.

Key Features:
Adobe® Flash® Player for stellar video and gaming
Scratch-resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass with glare reducing coating
View, capture and share on the large 4-inch qHD display
An 8MP camera with 1080p HD video and front-facing web cam to see and be seen
Video capture in 1080p HD; output to compatible device via HDMI® micro connector cable
Thinnest Full QWERTY smartphone ever.
Super-charged dual-core 1GHz processor makes multi-tasking a snap
What you get in the box:
DROID 3 phone
Battery Door
User Guide


Operating System:
Android 2.3, Gingerbread
Storage Capacity:

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