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588 Chrome Wedge


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Price in points: 146 points
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14 years and 11 months sells on RetailFactory Marketplace
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The 588 Forged wedge maintains the popular, tour-proven shape of its predecessor with a series of technological breakthroughs to provide even more performance. Every wedge is Precision Forged from 1025 carbon steel for incredibly soft, solid feel and the highest level of manufacturing consistency for supreme confidence and trust over every shot. Tour Zip Grooves™ and Laser Milled™ technology maximize spin in accordance with USGA regulations. Exclusive to the 588 Forged wedge is the Tour Concept Wedge steel shaft, co-developed and engineered by Cleveland Golf and industry leader True Temper. With a unique stiffness profile that features a less active tip, this shaft promotes a more penetrating ball flight, increased spin and optimal distance control along with superior feel. Choose from two different finishes – Satin and Chrome – as well as low, standard and high bounce options.

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