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Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal (Wii)

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Studio: Warner Home Video

Packaging Type: Wii

Genre: Action/Adventure


Cartoon Violence


Tag-team with the Tunes in the fight for their lives! Wield a major arsenal of ACME weapons as the tunes team-up to hunt down the mad scientist, chasing him through exotic locals from the past, present and future. Unite Bugs, Taz, Daffy, Marvin and more in a co-operative "whack-and-smash" romp through time - including online play! Melee and projectile weapons: Each character's weapon/melee skills can power up three times on the fly as you go. Vehicle Based Action: Race a jet scooter across an alien environment or wage battle on top of a giant flying Pterodactyl...the possibilities are endless! Travel to various locations such as Camelot, Ancient Egypt, Mars, the Wild West and more! Top-notch voice talent provides the characters with their classic voices and an authentic Looney Tunes slapstick adventure, while giving their look an updated, next-generation, modern edge.


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